
Disney 2010

We are back from another magical Disney vacation! Each year just gets better! Landon rode more rides this year and I'm guessing he will get more brave with each visit. He got to meet lots of characters and got lots of autographs. We took about a thousand pictures but here are some of my favorites. As we were leaving to drive back home Landon said, "Mommy, can we live here at Disney World." Oh how I wish I could have said, "Yes!"

We so look forward to our trip with Aunt Miche each year! Can't wait for 2011!!

Magic Kingdom

Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party

Animal Kingdom

Epcot & Hollywood Studios

Miche Said "Yes!"

I got some of the best news a couple of weeks ago! My best friend, Miche, is getting married! Congratulations to Miche and James, such a perfect couple! I know James knows how unbelievably lucky he is! We can't wait for the wedding. We got to celebrate with Miche during a trip to Disney this past week. Pictures will be posted soon!
Landon and I love and adore you, Miche! And we think James is pretty great, too! Congratulations!


Countdown to Mickey!!

In a little over a week we will be off for a much needed vacation to Disney with one of our favorite people in the whole wide world, Aunt Miche! We will miss Aunt Cathy and Uncle Ken this year but we know they will be joining us again in the very near future. So, here is a look at some of our Disney vacation in 2009. We will be counting down the days!! And don't worry, there will be a ton of pics to share when we get back!


Soccer Mom

I'm officially a "Soccer Mom!" Landon had his first soccer game and did pretty well. He is so afraid that he is going to hurt someone that he isn't as aggressive as he should be. We are working on it! He really enjoyed playing and I couldn't be more proud! The weather was perfect and I loved watching my little man. Looking forward to the rest of the season. GO LIONS!