
Spontaneous Disney Visit

I had to travel to Orlando for work last week and so me and a couple of friends decided to make a spontaneous trip to Disney World one afternoon after our conference. Now, Disney in June is hot and very, very crowded! I will always make Landon's Disney World trip in the fall if I can for these very reasons. But it was a great trip nonetheless. One of my friends, Madi, was a Disney character in college, so she was able to get us in free. So, we went to the Magic Kingdom first and rode Splash Mountain and the Haunted Mansion. We were about to get on Thunder Mountain when they abruptly closed it down - go figure! Then we headed to Hollywood Studios and got to ride Tower of Terror and the Rockin Roller Coaster. On a side note, we were standing in line to ride the Rockin Roller Coaster when we got word that Michael Jackson had died. What a shocker! I must admit that I was very sad to hear of his passing. I know he had his problems, but he was extremely talented and he is an icon of my generation. I mean, if someone my age says they didn't memorize the "Thriller" dance, know every word to "Beat It", and try the moon walk every chance they got, they are lying! So, after that we headed to Epcot where the first thing we did was grab an adult beverage. Then we rode Mission Space (my first time) and Nascar Test Track. The we visited Italy for some dinner and had the greatest waiter. All in all a great trip. Thanks to Madi and Scott for a great time! I will be counting down the days to the trip in October with Landon, Miche & myself!

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