
Our Country Adventure

My Kansas roots have a very strong hold on me as I prefer the country to the beach any day! So I was really looking forward to taking Landon up to a friend's place in North Florida on Saturday. My friend Cathy, Landon and I headed up to the Donaldson's house for a day in the country. It was so peaceful and an all-around great day. We started the day with a little horseback riding. Cathy and I rode "Daisy", a beautiful, sweet mare. Then it was Landon's turn to ride. I really wasn't sure if he would even get on the horse but he got on with me. It didn't last too long however. But then my friend Larry got on Landon took a ride with him and enjoyed it. Then he got to meet the Pony, "Star". "Star" was his favorite but he didn't care to ride him. He wanted to walk him. He walked him over and over and over again, all around the pen. Then he got to feed the horses and the pony which he loved. Then it was off to the pond for a little brim fishing. I'm proud to say that Landon caught his very first fish. His casting needs a bit of work though. Cathy was the expert fisherwoman - she was catching them left and right like a seasoned pro. I, however, didn't catch near as many, but the ones I did catch made up for it in size. When we got back up to the house, Landon wanted to see "Star" again so he and Larry headed back to the horses. At one point, Larry brought "Star" out of the gate so Landon could walk him around outside. This is what Landon and I have come to call "Star's Great Escape" because while Landon was holding the lead, Star took off at a run and we all tried to round him up. Luckily Larry was able to catch him so Landon now calls Larry a hero. And finally, Landon found the tractor and Larry was sweet enough to take him for a ride and even let him drive. I thought I would never get him to leave. I'm pretty sure all of us could have stayed there forever. Needless to say, he passed out on the ride home. When he woke up, he talked about his adventure all evening long. I can't wait to visit again! Thank you so much to the Donaldsons for allowing us to spend some time with them at their beautiful country home. I think Landon has now officially adopted both of them as grandparents. He has already asked numerous times if he can go back to Mr. Larry's house!

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