
A Special Kind of Love

I took this from my best friend, Miche's blog and wanted to share it. This is just one of the so many reasons I love her so much! Thank you, Miche, for making me cry and laugh and feel so loved! Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like Miche!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Nicole! I love you more than my purse!
Nic and I have been the best of friends for almost 25 years. You know how at some point in life you’ve had that friend that you daydreamed with and thought how great it would be if y’all lived down the street from each other and got to see each other everyday and your kids could grow up together and be best friends? Nic is that friend for me.

Happy Birthday Girl! I’m so glad you’re not 45 because that means I would be well…um 29. And I’m so glad that you’re my best friend, or I might owe thousands of dollars in therapy. And because I love you, I promise to never post any pictures of you from the years 1980 - 1995. That is my solemn vow.

Why I Love Nicole…

1. We laugh hysterically every time we’re together.

2. She makes everything more fun.

3. She randomly hates things. For example, “I hate cats.” “I hate make-up”

4. She will hate things on your behalf. For example, “I hate [insert store name here] for being rude to you.”

5. We have an unspoken hierarchy of the type of therapy needed for certain problems: cookie dough by the spoonful, pizza, or a margarita.

6. She’s not easily offended.

7. I can tell her anything without feeling judged or like I’m crazy.

8. She makes everything more fun.

9. She rarely ever complains about anything.

10. She is very tender and will cry with you when you cry.

11. She gives sound advice.

12. She always knows what to say, or what not to say. Even if it means telling me I am wrong.

13. She will listen and listen and listen and listen……

14. We share a passion for sports, especially football.

15. We can talk football better than two guys ever could.

16. She loves Coke and Ranch dressing as much as I do.

17. I believe we will all have a body like hers when we get to heaven.

18. We include each other in our big moments.

19. When I start trash talking at sporting events, she always joins in!

20. Because big news isn’t big until I have shared it with her.

Right back at ya, girl! All my love!

1 comment:

The Barnetts said...

You're the best!! Hope Orlando was great.