
Easter at the Beach

Landon, Gi Gi & I spent Easter with the Britts, Landon's Godparents. It was a beautiful day, but a bit windy. Landon didn't care. He loved walking down the beach with me and Barbie. We must have hidden eggs for him 4 or 5 times. He loved it. And Barbie bought him a 2-person inflatable boat, complete with oars and a life jacket. So, Landon and I can go to their house whenever we wish and take the boat out in the water. It was too windy to try that out yesterday. We would have blown away. But we are looking forward to our maiden voyage in the very near future!


The Barnetts said...

FUN!! I wish I was there. Miss yall. Come visit soon.

Jeremy and Michelle said...

Love the pics of ya'll running on the beach - so fun!! Landon is getting so big! He's like a little man! How do they grow so fast?!?